// t tracks how many lines have been generated.
var t = 0;
// The interaction between 'n' and 'paths' determines how the next line of the poem is
// generated. Both start at zero.
var n = 0;
var paths = 0;
// Nouns, I guess?
var above = 'brow,mist,shape,layer,the crag,stone,forest,height'.split(',');
var below = 'flow,basin,shape,vein,rippling,stone,cove,rock'.split(',');
// Verbs
var trans = 'command,pace,roam,trail,frame,sweep,exercise,range'.split(',');
var imper = 'track,shade,translate,stamp,progress through,direct,run,enter';
imper = imper.split(',');
var intrans = 'linger,dwell,rest,relax,hold,dream,hum'.split(',');
// uhhhhh, this is ['s', ''] (so either s or a lack of s)
var s = 's,'.split(',');
// Textures
var texture = 'rough,fine'.split(',');
//Gives you a random whole number less than whatever 'max' you give it.
function rand_range(max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max + 1));
// Chooses a random member of a list.
function choose(array) {
return array[rand_range(array.length - 1)];
// uh ok now we get into the weird shit
function path() {
// This picks a random number that is either zero or one.
// Basically, flip a coin.
var p = rand_range(1);
// Start building our line by picking a random word from the above list
var words = choose(above);
// If that word is "forest", one out of 4 times, replace the word with monkeys and
// a verb
if ((words == 'forest') && (rand_range(3) == 1)) {
words = 'monkeys ' + choose(trans);
} else {
// In JS, the % operator means 'remainder after division'.
// So for any number n, n % 2...
// * is zero if n is even
// * is one if n is odd.
// Since p is either zero or one, (p + 1) is 1 or 2...
// so if p is 0, (p+1)%2 = 1 % 2 = 1
// and if p is 1, 2 % 2 = 0.
// SO! if p is 0, the below line puts an 's' after the first word
// And if p is 1, this puts an 's' after the second.
words += s[p] + ' ' + choose(trans) + s[(p + 1) % 2];
// Also add a potentially essed below word.
words += ' the ' + choose(below) + choose(s) + '.';
return words;
function site() {
// Start this line blank.
var words = '';
// One out of three times, add a word from above
if (rand_range(2) == 1) {
words += choose(above);
} else {
//Every other times, add a word from below
words += choose(below);
words += 's ' + choose(intrans) + '.';
return words;
function cave() {
// Adds some adjectives
var adjs = ('encompassing,' + choose(texture) + ',sinuous,straight,objective,arched,cool,clear,dim,driven').split(',');
// Generate a random number between 1 and 4 to be a target
var target = 1 + rand_range(3);
// As long as adjs.length is greater than that target...
while (adjs.length > target) {
// pick a random adjective to delete.
adjs.splice(rand_range(adjs.length), 1);
// By this point, our list of adjectives has been pared down to have 'target' number
// of adjectives.
// The \u00a0 and \u2014 are Majic JavaScrippte Incantations for a space and an
// em-dash, respectively.
// So this is two spaces, a random imperative, and all the adjectives, connected
// together with spaces.
var words = '\u00a0\u00a0' + choose(imper) + ' the ' + adjs.join(' ') + ' \u2014';
return words;
function do_line() {
// This gets the part of the HTML document with the ID 'main'
var main = document.getElementById('main');
// If we've got 25 or fewer lines, just go ahead and add them
if (t <= 25) {
t += 1;
} else {
// If we've got more than 25 lines, remove the topmost line before we add one to the
// bottom
// If n is zero, we insert a blank line.
if (n === 0) {
text = ' ';
// Else, if n == 1, set paths to a value between 2 and 4, and use
// path() to generate a line of text.
else if (n == 1) {
paths = 2 + rand_range(2);
text = path();
// Else, if n is less than paths, use site()
else if (n < paths) {
text = site();
// If n is the same as paths, use path()
else if (n == paths) {
text = path();
// If n is one greater than paths, use a blank line
else if (n == paths + 1) {
text = ' ';
// If n is two greater than paths, go into the cave.
else if (n == paths + 2) {
text = cave();
// If n is more than two greater than paths, reset n to zero and use a blank line
else {
text = ' ';
n = 0;
// Increment n by one
n += 1;
// Capitalise the first letter
text = text.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + text.substring(1, text.length);
// Add it to the bottom of main.
last = document.createElement('div');
// This is the main function. It sets a timer that runs the above
// do_line function every 1.2 seconds
function poem() {
setInterval(do_line, 1200);